Monday, January 30, 2012

Down But Not Out~ Circa who the hell knows!

Just a quick note on the market today.  No time for anything fun, no shenanagens here.  Today was a .......<yawn> ..... <sigh> ...... boring day, or was it?  The market opened lower, took a little dip and tried to move back up on the close.  The end result?  The market was down a smidgen at the close and the charts formed a ...... a ....... a .......... a ........ spinning top!  ~YIKES!  What the hell is that?

Spinning Tops Defined - Click here

But here's the good in the bad.
1 - The spinning top is a green candle.  Ho-hum.
2 - It's at the potential bottom of a pullback signaling a possible reversal.  Ah-ha~
3 - The low of the day bouncing on the 20 EMA and the uptrend line!  Yea baby~!!!!

So all in all I'm thinking a reversal tomorrow and a move up is in the cards.  Watch for the higher high. your bets gentleman, round and round and round she goes, where she stops nobody knows~

Short Term (Daily Chart) – Down
Medium Term (3 day chart) – Sideways
Long Term (Weekly Chart) – UP

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