Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise~ Gomer Pyle, circa late 1960's

11:58 PM EST

Shazam~  It happened.  The DOW broke decisively thru the 13,000 mark and took off!  Hate to say it but ........ told ya!!  Ok, ok, ok.  You got me.  I enjoyed saying it.  At the very beginning of the year I told you we had entered a Bull Market.  I've said it over and over and over.  I mentioned the bullish Golden Cross.  I reminded all of the slogan, "So goes January, so goes the year."  I've brushed off all the nay sayers and doomsday-ers.  I've stuck to my guns and in the last few weeks I have said that if the DOW breaks decisively over 13,000 it would take off.  And BAM!  DOW up 200 plus points!  Nice!!

I hope you have been paying attention.  I hope you have been long and have enjoyed this run to date.  I hope you took advantage of the recent pullback to add to good positions and initiate new ones.  This rally is not done.  Remember what I said about January.  So goes January ......... So goes the Year.

No need for charts.  No need for trend tables.  Just hold those longs and as always, keep those stops in place.  And smile as the profits grow~  Ride the wave baby!!

What?  Really?  Ok, one chart and that's it!

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