Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bernake takes a dump but Obama has a dream!!

Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum.
Bernake speaks and …… Yawn…… Ho hum.
Talking heads wait with baited breath,
Will Obama's words will pass their test.
Some think it will,
But it won't matter,
Congress won't pass it,
And there is no Mad Hatter!!

Then Obama speaks, he starts to beam,
I do believe he has a dream!
But can he, will he, make it real;
Can he get Congress to pass his "New Deal"?
Will it? Could it?  Do ya think? Maybe? It could work? Where's Alice?  Is she still in Wonderland? Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!  Yes, Oh my!  We can hope for a fix, but it's Washington DC folks and politics as usual.   It's all semantics at this point.
Some say the cup of coffee is half empty.
Some say the cup is half full.
Either way.........................there still won't be enough freaking coffee!!!!!  
And Congress will keep fighting, it seems to be all they know.   
Check out this link to an article by Charley Reese.  It was written in 1985 and nothing has changed since.  It's past time for a clean sweep in the land of DC, but I'm not sure the average Joe really cares any more.
Today the market took a slight dump after Bernake said nothing about more candy for the economy.  Seems  we've had enough sugar from Uncle Ben even though everyone is jones-ing for a new high.  He's just not gonna budge!

Speaking of dumps, tomorrows action is a crap shoot.  Could be good, could be bad, we'll just have to wait and see.  Keep in mind this is a NEWS DRIVEN market. So any negative news can slam price back down to the trendline and possibly below it.  Or it could march upwards to the top trendline.  How will the big boys react to Obama's speech tonight?  It's anyones guess and the action tomorrow will give us the answer.  So load your powder with a few longs and a few shorts and  get ready to play.  Remember, a close below the bottom trendline could easily set things up for big drop. If that happens, first stop..... Dow 10,500.  And I'm betting no one wants to hold 'em over the weekend.  That always reminds me of Kenny Rogers.  You got to know when to hold'em...........know when to fold 'em..........

Don't forget, Sunday is the 10th anniversary of 9-11. Take a moment to remember that tragic event, the lives we lost, the heros that worked so hard to save so many.  Some things should never be forgotten.  

Here's the daily chart of the DIA, not much has changed~


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