Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jumping Jehosaphat

9:17 PM

The Euro guys actually accomplished something!!  It's amazing  They must have missed the last few Congressional classes on "Doing Nothing 101".  And man did they set of the fireworks.  Congress......are you paying attention?  Congressional Super Committee.....are you watching?  Just think of the things Congress could accomplish if they actually DID SOMETHING!!

Anyhow, that was all the market wanted.  Somebody taking some damned action.  The Euro guys didn't do much and there is a lot left to do, but the market had been giving hints by it's reactions to previous rumors.  And today, when the news hit.........ZING, POW, ZOWIE, SHAZAM~!  Dow up 339 points!!

Really not much else to say.  Volume up nicely.  The DIA candlestick looks a bit weak, but the SPY (a wider market view) looks really nice.  The BULL has snorted and begun his charge!

Sing with me folks......

Here comes Santa Claus,
Here comes Santa Claus,
Making Wall Street's day,
The Rally's here and we hope it stays,
All the way to Christmas Day!!

Long Term (Weekly Chart) – UP
Medium Term (3 day chart) – UP
Short Term (Daily Chart) – UP

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