Thursday, October 13, 2011

Knights of the Roundtable

8:24 PM

In a world of followers there are a few people that dare to lead.  While most want someone else to find the answer for them, there are those who dare to "think for themselves".  Those are the people who succeed where others fail.   And while I am quick to offer my opinion about the market here at "The Profit Column",  my true motive is that I might impart enough knowledge to those few people that "dare to think for themselves".

Long ago I was added to a select group of investors that "think for themselves".  We were"Knighted" and sent a bottle of champagne!  It was an honor and a privilege to be Knighted, and I still feel proud when I think of it.

Tonight, I learned form the spouse of a fellow Knight that he has passed away.  His name was "Sir Fluctuate".  In his honor I will be silent about the days events and the chart below.  I will encourage you to look and decide for yourself.  To "think for yourself".  This will constitute my "moment of silence" in remembrance of a fellow Knight.

George Valkenburg AKA Sir Big Game Hunter

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